Complementing Toy Enthusiasts, Hobbyists and Collectors.
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Hand Made Objects (H.M.O), HK - (Released)

H.M.O stands for Hand Made Objects, Our belief is that every piece of collectible figurine is one masterpiece of art form; therefore, they should all be produced and hand crafted by passionate individuals. We strives in creating the highest quality collectibles that stand out to the crowd. We truly believe that H.M.O. can produce unique pieces of art that is well crafted as well as innovative.

H.M.O is a company formed by 2 industry veterans namely Benjamen Wu and Mufizal . With combined experience of over 20 years , the founders are well versed in the general entertainment media. More specifically , video games. We will (amongst other things) be primarily focused on delivering AAA quality digital entertainment Marquette which includes video games. With over 20 years experience at the head of the company , we believe that H.M.O is in a unique position to be able to deliver on this goal.